Friday, June 14, 2013

Can I Master It!!!

So lately my body has been telling me I need to take care of more.  I can’t eat like I used to (which I guess is a good thang cuz this girl can eat!), eat fried food, or drink soda any more.  I start feeling nauseated and just really disgusted.

So I decided to do the Master Cleanse.  What is the master cleanse you may be asking?  The master cleanse is also know as the lemonade diet which consist of raw lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.  I had attempted yes emphasis on attempted to do it in the past but I was doing all wrong and I gave up. 

So I decided to give it another shot and well here I am almost at the end of my day and I wanted to share my experience or what I have been feeling.

I am feeling very hungry.  I have a slight headache, and I am also feeling sort of weak.  I have drank about a half a gallon of the lemonade mix and later I will be drinking my laxative tea.  The gross part for me as been the salt water flush—grosssss—It was hard to finish it in the morning. 

I weighed in and well I’ll keep you inform as to how much-if at all-weight I loss.  I am thinking now maybe I should have chosen a different time to do it because Fathers’ Day is this weekend and there is going to be BBQ everywhere..OH BOY!! 

I just have to do it for me and my body so day 1 is almost done.  See you on day 2.


BIG hugs, much love, and cheers,



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