Monday, June 3, 2013


There are many graduations taking place and I want to congratulate all of you for your achievements.  Even school is finishing but for me I am staring on my last class before I receive my Associates degree in Business Administration.  It has been a long time coming.
There were definitely many challenges in my life that kept me from finishing college but the important thing is that I am here and I am about to graduate. 
I know that at times times get hard but just keep pushing on.  Your education is something that nobody can take away form you.  Also, I know the struggles many of you have gone and are going through but know that I am there cheering for you telling you that you can do it.  What ever you set your mind to you can achieve. 
The sky is the limit.  So congratulations again on your success and remember that I am there cheering you on because anything is possible.  It does not matter where you come from or where you have been in life just keep pushing because I know you can do it!!!!
I send you all BIG hugs, much love and CONGRATS GRADUATE!!!!!!
your soon to graduate too,

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